Playing on:
- Eps 16: Reunion, Part 2
- Eps 15: Reunion, Part 1
- Eps 14: Connecticut-ing the Dots
- Eps 13: A Night at Swingers
- Eps 12: Well Healed
- Eps 11: The Case of the Missing Phone
- Eps 10: Naughty-ical by Nature
- Eps 9: Nothing Vanilla About Anguilla
- Eps 8: Business Classy
- Eps 7: You Wreath What You Sow
- Eps 6: Anniversorry, Not Sorry
- Eps 5: Fashionably Absent
- Eps 4: The Most Brynnteresting Girl in the Room
- Eps 3: Two Truths and No Shakshuka
- Eps 2: Oh Christmas Tree!
- Eps 1: New Era, New York
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